This ‘about me’ is much deeper than just me. I am an artist, and carpentry is one of my practices. I am grateful for the opportunity to merge two of my arts and continue the legacy of BKS Iyengar.

My dedication to a mentorship with Mr. Ethan Green is inspired by my intention to make yoga more accessible. There are many layers to accessibility and my focus is three-fold; access to space, economic resources, and to the body. Similar to asana practice, we begin with the body.

More access to yoga increases the opportunities to raise awareness. A more intelligent body is a product of the practice of asana. Taking a prop to support practice is a pillar in Iyengar Yoga and I see it as a duty to continue this important work.

I met Ethan in the 2019 Dallas Iyengar Yoga Convention where the spark was ignited. He expressed his plans to retire and I was in the process of developing my skill as a teacher. I eventually assessed for the Level I Iyengar Yoga Certification in November 2022.

Through this process I became more integrated.

The healing effects of yoga in my life inspire me to develop my skill with Iyengar Yoga Therapeutics . Making the props, greatly expands my skill as a teacher. I remain eternally grateful for the alignment and honor this work with duty and love.

Access to the body from increased awareness is a recipe to raise consciousness. Asana practice teaches me that intention and action create movement.

I intend to be a conduit to inspire practice, and for practitioners of asana to continue developing their skill. To create action and movement, towards eventual expansion of access to space and economic resources.
